I got into Chicago and headed straight to the hotel to seek out Neil and the boys, Neil called up Sean and Rich into his hotel room and let me just say photos don't do these guys justice seriously, the natural light made everything stand out, i wish i had a camera in fact we all did, they were sliced and diced, I'm proud to have witness the full transformation as there training partner.
Sean Barber (magnum) 10th Heavy Weight class
Richard Burk (Brick) 3rd Place Light Heavy weight class.
We all went out for Pizza after the show i ate nothing but a lil bread as i hate pizza,
(never have liked it) this wasn't my night and the boys tore that shit up like it was going out of fashion.
Sean ordered this bad boy pizza got to be one the biggest ive ever seen and ate all of 2 slices! LOL
Some Misc photos that fans send to me from the show....