Friday, February 20, 2009

Flex Magazine Cover

My First International FLEX Magazine Cover

Christmas Eve Shina and myself returned home from a crazy day at the smoothie bar to see a Fed Ex parcel sitting on the door step, upon opening it i had no idea on what it could be other than the possibility of a last minute Christmas card, i opened it up and pulled out the sleeve inside, pulling it backwards and seeing the ad on the back of the mag i was still working out what it was and who would sent this, as the front was facing Shina her face light up and told me to flip it around, needless to say it didn't hit home at first thinking could this be a joke from one my boys???

Then all set in it wasn' was.... The cover for the next issue.

As a kid i remember buying my first FIRST Flex Magazine, never to think i would one day Grace the cover 10 years later.
I couldn't of asked for a better start to my first Rookie Pro year with it all ending with this Cover, i will sign off by saying somewhere out there someone else is buying there first Flex magazine as i did 10 years ago and i only hope i can inspire them also to become all they can be just as my first issue did.

Best wishes

Save as Draft

(Taken from

Monday, February 16, 2009

By popular demand I'm here!!!

Why don't you have a Blog Flex?
A fan asked me this question just a few days ago, to which i replied "im working on it, should be up soon" Shamelessly i must confess ive have said this countless amounts of times and never got around to it, with all intention of doing it something would always take place of this, ultimately you guys my fans mean alot to me and over the coarse of time have missed out on alot and that im sorry about.

Better Late than Never!
It was when i took a back step on the world i live, that memory's of these very same blogs/ journals give me great enthusiasm. Climbing the ranks to all way back to Training as teen, they aspired me to be all that and more in this sport i love, giving me extra drive and more so a insight to the life that these top pros live.

Now I live that Life........!

I can remember back in the day when i would sit and surf for hours, during this time i would read/ follow what the Pros of yester year what they were doing, how there training was going, fans they met, what shows they were doing and where they were going on there worldly travels.

So here's to my first post of many, to aspire many as others did to me, so here's to giving back.........!

Become Your Dream
Flex Lewis